Friday 3 December 2010

Lumière brothers... =)

Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (19th October 1862 - 10th April 1954) and Louis Jean Lumière (5th October 1864 - 6th June 1948)were two of the earliest filmmakers in history. The two brothers both worked for their father Claude-Antoine Lumière in a photographic firm. Louis had made some improvements to the still photograph process, most notably the dry-plate process, this was a major step towards moving image.

When their father retired in 1892, they began to make moving images. On the 13th of February 1895, they patented the cinématographe which was originally invented and patented by French inventor Léon Bouly, Bouly however could not afford to pay the rent for his patent and so the Lumière brothers bought the license.  

The first footage to be recorded by this was recorded on the 19th March 1895, this first film shows the workers leaving the Lumière factory.

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