Friday 3 December 2010

Thomas Edison... =)

Thomas Alva Edison (11th February 1847 - 19th October 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world. Some of these are the motion picture camera, and the electric lightbulb.
The kinetoscope is an early motion picture exhibition device, it was designed for films to be viewed individually through the window of the cabinet housing its components. The kinetoscope introduced the basic approach that would become the standard for cinematic projection, a strip of perforated film which bears sequential images is shown over a light source with a high speed shutter, this creates the illusion of movement. The device was first described by Thomas Edison in 1888, it was then largely developed by his employee William Kennedy Laurie Dickson between 1889 and 1892. On the fourth of April 1894, the first commercial exhibition of motion pictures in history was given in New York City using ten kinetoscopes.

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